Tuesday, 12 September 2023

The costume part 2 requested by Shadow.

After spending a freaky time inside his mother's body it was time to try a new body.

He knew Rebecca down the road what's the towns easy girl and had a reputation for being a bit of a slapper.

He decided to see what it was like to be a slapper for a while.

He wanted to find out if it was as much fun as she made it out to be.

He took over her body the same way he took over his mother's.

After a little bit of exploration and getting to know her body in her  apartment he headed to the local bar.

He was surprised when he walked through the door that all the men in there knew her.

He found her body becoming extremely sexually turned on around them.

He wondered if her mind was affecting his mind as well as he downed his third free drinking and receive  up to now.

Before he knew what was actually doing he was following a man into the gents toilets.

They stripped of naked.

The man completely naked sat on the toilet fully erect and plated his lap saying I know like to be on top.

Shadow slowly lower himself onto the large cock witch slid inside of him making him moan and gasped with surprise.

25 minutes later he could barely stand up.

His legs felt like jelly and  there was hot sticky come dripping out of him.

He looked at the man who was now dressing and said that was bloody incredible.


  1. Nice very nice! Love it. I forget were there more parts to my request? If so I can’t wait to see who else I wear :D
