Wednesday 20 September 2023

I love being a teenage girl.

17-year old Sarah had been having weird dreams.

Dreams where she was a 57 year old businessman who had been transformed into a teenage girl and had his memories altered by black magic.

Over the next couple of months they became more like memories and little details started appearing.

She remembered she was a 57 year old businessman.

She remembered his mother and father were not his mother and father they were his wife and his best friend.

They had done this to him so she would not have to lose anything in the divorce after he caught her cheating on him.

Angry and annoyed she rammed the safe code.

She opened the safe and pulled out his personal documents and saw that his wife had a fake birth certificate and social security number for him.

She pulled out the will and so that his wife had changed it.

Now in the event of her death she had left it all to her darling  daughter Sarah.

There was also two life insurance policies.

Three was one on him and on her.

Seeing all the documents were in order he left them in the safe.

She spotted an old looking book.

She pulled it out and opened it.

Inside was words and symbols she did not recognize.

She guessed it had something to do with turning her from a man into a woman.

She put the book to one side as she pulled out her two favourite hands.

They were big and heavy and his little hands.

He made sure they were fully loaded before heading downstairs.

He said in a annoyed tone how long did you think you can get away with this.

His wife looked at him before looking at her lover and said I told you we should have got rid of him.

Sarah smiled wickedly and said is whatever you done to me reversible?

He was happy when he heard his wife say it was no.

In his highly agitated and hormonal state he opened the book and read out the first phrase he spotted.

Whatever he had read out turned his wife and her lover into two cats

He replaced the handguns in the safe.

He loaded them into her car along with the two screaming cats.

He dumped them all in the woods before walking slowly back home to compose himself to phone the police in the morning to tell him his mother and his stepfather had gone missing.

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