Saturday 8 October 2022

It's embarrassing not knowing! (GS)

Sir Anthony was what you call sorta amateur archaeologist. Not expert but is family name can bring creditable to the dig. They found a unknown civilization that to deity to ancient goddess. Sir Anthony touches the deity statue bare handed. Which he knew he didn't do. Why he was excited look closely. Lucky the expert archaeologist was more careful of touch and wanted to study it. A few days later the archaeologist. The part translates, the runes, the symbols, on the statue.

It seems to be a priestess of the goddess. Maidens to serve the goddess. To touch the statue, you be blessed to the goddess. Which be many things that only women touch it. After touching the maidens will look for the perfect mate, a man to fertilizes her. So, she bare children. But if a male touches the statue he will start to transfigure, to transform into an actual, physically, biologically, even down to their genetics. It's not known that their emotional, menial state will adapt to their new gender.

But it seems that Sir Anthony seems to calm to his/her new gender. For some reason. Anthony wanted sex with a man. She was barely a girl. For about week and she wanted sex as a girl. But the archologist was able translates. More their runes, there glyphs

There was warming to any males who touches her image. That they will be a maiden into serves of the goddess. But it was too late Sir Anthony at night of wild passivity, carnal sex with several of male students who worked as assistant to them. At first it seems that nothing happen. But a few days later Sir Anthony had morning sickness, it looked exactly like her missed her period. But that was impossible. But that was impossible how could he err she get pregnant until a few weeks Anthony was a man. Now a woman it's not know what the statue is. Is it magically maybe. Is it some kind of device, that can help girls get pregnant maybe. But why did change Sir Anthony. The answers are still unknown.

The question is who to explain how Sir Anthony was completely change into a actual girl and pregnant. There not going to believe a simple unknown statue could do this. Maybe some strange disease or virus or something else like radiation that altered him changed him into a girl. But Sir Anthony was wondered after 6 or 7 months of being pregnant who the father of her child is. Either she was to dunk or her need to have sex as too strong for her to fight with. The questions are what next. Sir Anthony life has changed that is for sure.


  1. Request story: Nothing could have prepared me when I walked in on my mom riding a dildo on the dining table. “You like what you see little boy?” Your mom cooed as she continues pleasing herself. Just what in the hell is going on with my mom? It’s almost as if she’s a completely different person.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

