Sunday 11 September 2022

Totally embarrassing.

Embarrassed RJ ex-quarterback of the college football team stood in the middle of the female laundry shop with his mother.

He was still getting used to what had happened to him after catching the Fem Virus.

He was still getting used to being a young woman with a vagina and rapidly growing breasts.

She was telling him how important it was to get the right sized bra.

She told him that he was developing quite quickly so this was going to become a regular thing until his body settled.

He did not think things could get any worse than this when 4 of the most popular girls from school walked in the shop and saw him standing there with his mother who was asking him if he was into briefs or thongs?

Things got even worse when she noticed them and waved them over to give him some genuine female advice.



  1. Request: A old man ends up in the boys from a young woman, thanks to great shift.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

