Monday 19 September 2022

Too painful to stay.

Sam almost throws half way through his routine when he saw his former body enter the strip.

Mary spotted Sam straight away and could not believe what he had turned her into.

She was just about to get that to him when she remembered it was not her body anymore and she did not have any control over the life the person it now lived.

Sam slid off the stage and headed over to Mary.

Sam said in a nervous you're looking rough girl.

Mary said I've just been working all night.

Sam asked how's she had found him here.

Mary sand one of your former colleagues from the factory Anthony had his retirement party here the other week & I spotting is video.

Mary just looked at him & said how did you go from doing my job to this?

Sam just smiled and said I was not cut out for the corporate life.

I might have had your body but I did not have your skills.

I'm a colleague dropout with no idea how to run a marketing team.

so after your boss find my pretty little ass I got the only job I could that paid enough to keep luxury I had become accustomed to.

Mary just looked I said I wish mad scientist had never swapped our bodies and forces to live each other's lives.

Sam noticing his bosses look said to Mary unless you want a lap dance come back in an hour after after I've finished my shift and we can talk.

Mary smiled $5 into his garter and headed out of the door.

Sam did not know it at the moment but that would be last time he would see Mary and his body ever again.


  1. Hi, i love your stories!

    Could you finish this story below?

    The end could be the shapeshifter neighbor, stealing the life from the single mature mother.

    1. The story:

      Some pics:

  2. A 60 year man discovers a power that he could possess multiple bodies, he then use in his neighbor's mom and controls her body at the same time.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

