Thursday 29 September 2022

That's good


Josh and his girlfriend Natalie swapped bodies 2 days ago after their flat was hit by lightning in a freaky tropical storm. After freaking out and panicking that they were in each other's bodies they decided to go online and see if this sort of thing and happened before. All they could find was fictional body swapping stories that had no real-world help for them. They had no choice but to pretend to be each other until they found a way to undo it. Natalie made sure her boyfriend stuck to her strict diet and workout routine.

She did not want him ruining her gorgeous body. Which meant for Josh the past 2 days he had to eat healthily. He was always feeling hungry now and really fancy something unhealthy. He did not think he would get the chance even to eat a Twinkie with her watching him all the time. But this morning she had to go into his office, so he had the entire day too himself. He told her he was going to exercise and spend the rest of the day sunbathing by the complex pool. He slipped into the Bikini she gave him feeling half naked in it. He waved goodbye to her from the complex pool as he made himself comfortable. When she was out of sight, he gathered up his things and headed down the road to the local Diner where he ordered an unhealthy breakfast. He could not believe you orgasmic pleasure he got eating it.


  1. Can you do one where RJ is in a rush to get a haircut and the only place open is the new salon. Well it turns out they give him the full salon and spa treatment.

    1. hi RJ thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

