Monday 12 September 2022

Robin Tunney: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had heard the rumours that Robin Tunney had purchased a cloned version of herself when she was 19.

He did not believe it until the news announced she was selling her old body off for charity.

Josef  was determined that he would be the person who would purchase that body.

He sold everything he owned a cast in his pension.

On the day of the auction he said he would not go any higher than $35,000.

But auction fever got the best of him.

In the end he was Victoria's but it cost him almost double.

But now standing in her body in the fitting room putting on some clothes you had also donated with the body he was glad he had gone so far.

He could not wait to see what life was like for a real woman.

He cannot wait to experience his first sexual encounter as a woman.

He has always been curious if sex was as good as we made it out to be for them.

He was curious to find out of orgasms was mind-blowing good as women said they were.

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