Sunday 4 September 2022

Maria Sharapova: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef believed his tennis career had ended before it could even start when he was knocked over by a bus on his way home from practice and left paralysed from the neck down.

He had no idea there was a new medical procedure which could give him a second chance at life.

Maria Sharapova had died 2 weeks ago due to an undiagnosed brain tumour.

Her body had been kept in Stacey's and had been released by her family and loved ones for organ donation.

Josef was told about the new procedure and was offered the chance to volunteer for it.

He could not believe they could transplant at one brain from one body into another.

But he was desperate not to spend the rest of his life lying in a hospital bed staring at the ceiling.

So he volunteered for the procedure.

72 hours after being put under and prepared for the operation here won't discover he had a whole new body and gender.

He immediately recognised the woman he wants now and could not believe he could not believe the body he was in.

After several months of intensive rehabilitation and psychological studies he was released from the hospital.

He adapted quickly to being a woman.

He got used to the weight of his breasts and the need to sit down to pee.

He got used to finding men attractive.

He got used to the attention his female body got him.

He got used to the idea that having sex with men was great.

A year and a half after the procedure he was fitting up and trained enough in his new body to get back to tennis.

2 years 7 days after the procedure he won his first tournament in the women's Wimbledon Open.


  1. A profissional master in disguise who was a shapeshifter, has the mission to impersonate a senator to change some plans. The mission was a complete success and her body was a bonus.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.


  2. Josef believe that his career, his life was over. He was a good maybe a great tennis player. He even believes that he could be a pro, or at lease semi-pro. But fate, accident or whatever you call it. It happens to him. A bus accidently hit him. In that one moment. His career. His life was over. If it was possible, he couldn't walk properly or even play tennis worth anything.
    But fate, karma throws another shock, Maria Sharapova suddenly died of unknown brain tumor. So the body was quickly put in statistic. So, the body could survive.
    Only a handful knew of this and need to find a way for her to live. But she too far brain dead.
    So they decided on a process to save Maria Sharapova and to help Josef get a second chance of life. When it was offer Josef wasn't sure but if he could walk again and play tennis again. It's worth it. They didn't lie or downplayed it. You will lose your manhood and being a man again. Josef thought of it. I admit that being a girl. Is allot, I'll lose my chance of being a pro, but I lost it a while ago. So, I'll do it. I'll be Maria Sharapova. Within a few hours, the process, was done.
    The next day or after that Josef was no more. she was err is Maria Sharapova. then begins the physically mental, social training. Josef/Maria had to learn walk again, how to play again. But that part it. She had learn to be a girl, it started as second nature, then basic nature like it was her. completely and totally. Everything had to be right. Thou Josef/Maria was running automatic, on how to pee, how dress like a girl, apply makeup. Style her hair. Even she wasn't allowed anything boyish. Until she got it right. She started to look at herself as she, her, Maria. Rarely Josef, that part of her was a memory. Thou part of her, then she looked at few guys thought that was cute to and at double dates with her.
    Thou she did allot of kissing, and maybe a BJ or three. Sex wasn't her main concerns, it was tennis.
    As many months of practices. She was ready. It's not known how much of her old in mixed into her tennis style. She won her first women's tournament at the Women's Wimbledon Open. Who knows mixed double maybe. Maria Sharapova was very happy.
