Saturday 3 September 2022

Is that really me? GS

There are places in woods and forests. That leads to other places. Sometimes this portal, vortexes if you like open to different places that are there, but not there.

So, Colin and a group hiker. In the woods, so in a twist of fate. Coiln was examining a bunch of strange flowers thou he took minute to take a minute. But in that minute. They disappeared. As he tried to catch up, He tried catch up.

There was a spring or pond. But he wasn't aware on it. Before he knew it, he hit the water. As he got out of the pond, he was wet and removed his clothes. Maybe he'll get luck. Before anyone would notice a naked guy in the middle of the woods. As he looked down, he was not his refection. But a reflection of a girl a naked girl. As Coiln moving closer, this tomboyish girl, slowly turned into more girlish, more feminine as Coiln watched, what seem like minutes or was its hours. Coiln found his clothes dry and to big. since there weren't any other clothes, he put his/her shirt on tied it as tight as possible, them his brief which were tight in different places. And his/her shorts. He/she used a rope to tighten to his/her waist. The shoes were way to big for him/her for time being. Then he/she eat something. And then Coiln had to get out this place thou it was lovely. Coiln stuff, her shoes with grass to be to lose. and started to leave. One thing that how would her explain this, she is a girl now.


  1. Two friends discovered their teacher is a perv hobo in disguise, impersonating her.

  2. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

