Thursday 29 September 2022

I love you.

3 months ago Mary had gotten the tragic news her boyfriend had been injured and was in a coma and was not expected to live.

She gave them permission to use the Lazarus treatment to see if it could bring him back.

They injected him with the experimental nanobots that rebuild his body and repaired the damage to his a brain.

There had been some slight complications with the procedure but all in all it was a success.

Carl was finding it difficult to cope with the side effects of the procedure that had saved his life.

He was sent back to the United States for R&R.

All the way through the flight back home he was terrified Mary would not accept the new him.

After the plane had landed he stood on the runway.

He was not sure that Mary was going to be there waiting for him but she was.

They spotted each other at the same time and Mary ran towards him throwing her arms around and when she reached him.

She said to him as they embraced I love you and we will make it work.

Carl whispered back as his new emotional state overwhelmed him and he started crying I love you too.

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