Friday 9 September 2022

I haven't stolen anything!

This is totally humiliating said suspected shoplifter Anthony as he  unbuttoned his blouse in front of several security guards who were all male.

He could feel there hungry eyes staring at his little breast with his nipple standing to attention due to the coldness of the room.

He said with tears in his eyes why can't I have a woman search me.

Two up the security guards just looked at him.

One said because you are a man according to your ID.

He said with an angry tone in his voice despite what my ID says you can tell I am a woman.

The security guard with a grin on his face just said now your trousers please sir.



  1. happy birthday to you allan my friend

    1. thank you for the birthday message Josef. my birthday is technically the 12th. I have set up a little request supplies at 1 a.m. on that day for you all ❤

    2. OH then i Will looking forward to my birthday Are tomorrow so It Will be great suprise
