Sunday 11 September 2022

I am telling you I am not him!

Dr. Phillip Munro was a specialist in DNA research, he took sample of many different groups of people, especially the homeless people was there thing in their DNA. That was a problem. or was social or mixer of several things. He was trying to help them, in his own way. But his assistance a nurse Sanders. Wanted to share his findings. But the Doctor was careful, if one wrong thing happen it was cause a problem. So, Nurse Sander wants to copy his research a few months called it her own.

So, both pretend to that nothing happen. So, Doctor Munro called in Nurse Sanders. for her to file some files, he offered her a cup of coffee. She drank it, five minutes later. She was on the floor.
As he checked and double checked. She was totally out of it. For several hours. Okay, my dear. You thought, you get away with it. And take my research and take the credit too. And leave high and dry. Well right and wrong, you will take the fall for this, but unfortunately. I need you, well I need your body.
As he slowly removed her nurses uniform, underwear, and socks and shoes. Then he removed his clothes on her. As pull out two set of vital and needles to them. First, he injected the serum into his body. As the fluid entered his body, it slowly changed him, morphed him, as it slowly shifted and changed him physically, biologically, genetically, his mentally, emotional state shifted to. As it totally was nearly over Dr. Phillip Munro was a exact copy of Nurse Sanders. Then he errs she put on Nurse Sander clothes.
Then she injected the other vital into Nurse Sander body. She also started, to shift, change and morph into a copy of Dr. Phillip Munro still unconscious. As she looked at her former male body. On the floor.
As she got busy, She got his/her stuff. She placed into a large bag. She double and triple check everything. She first stop her old place, got everything except for a few hilts, nothing highly important. Then she to her place and started change of clothes. and packed.
Then she hailed a taxi, and with her passports. She bought a first-class ticket to European nation. As she checked, her bags and went through security. Went to the airport bar. Sanders ordered a stiff drink. 35 minutes later Ellie Sander was about start again in new country, The Dr., has to stop thinking herself as a guy still. Its barely a few hours since her changed. Did she want do this no, but she had no choice she has to started again as a girl , a woman. That does sound to bad. Ellie might enjoy it. Too bad Sander will out the bad of her mistake.

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