Thursday 1 September 2022

Be gentle.

This was not how Brian expected his the honeymoon to be.

He expected he would be the groom and his wife would be waiting for him in the honeymoon suite.

But thanks to a weird Twist of Fate his bride-to-be like a lot of women ended up in the body of a man.

He like a lot of men ended up in the body of a woman in his case the stripper at his bachelor party.

But he and his fiancé came to terms with there new bodies and decided to go ahead with the wedding anyway.

So he was the one who found himself after the wedding and the function waiting in the honeymoon suite in his bridal lingerie waiting to be taken by his new husband for the first time.


  1. This wasn't supposed to how start a honeymoon never mind a marriage either for Brian. It started the day or night before. A strange twist of events happen all the men became women, and all the women became men. It should of shocked the both of the groups but it didn't. It was a surprise.
    As the newly transfigured men and women decided to go on with the wedding decided they were okay with sorta. So, Brian was dressed up. In a beautiful wedding gown. He was as lovely, every bit of feminine that he is now. He walked next to his wife now his husband. She looked every bit handsome as he was before. He looked every bit beautiful as she was.
    A few hours later both Brian and his/her husband. He/she could say wife because he/she no more a groom than, she was a bride. He/she was in the honeymoon suite. In his/her bridal lingerie waiting. For his/her to slowly removed his/her lingerie, he/she both excited and nerves, the first was his/her lacey teddy, then the bridal shoes, then his/her garter belt and his/her stocking. They were both naked. As his/her husband laid her on the bed to deflower Brian. As had a night of passion. And the morning rose another day. Brian and her husband woke up. Her husband asked Brian was it wonderful for you as it was for me. Well to be honest, I thought it would be any were great, but it fantastic. And it's not Brian, not anymore, its Breeann or Bree. Then Bree slips out of bed put on a pair pantie and a robe. She was looking the dresses an skirts and shoes. She picks out a dress for to wear. Her husband. Said that you are truthy a woman.
