Tuesday 13 September 2022

Am I actually going to do this?

Even though Andrew had told his wife Sarah who was in his body that he was ready to go all the way with her he was not sure that he could now the moment had come.


  1. Both Andrew and his wife Sarah who were in each other's bodies They weren't totally sure that how or why they were in each other's bodies. All they knew that, they made a comment, or problem, that each other didn't totally understand each other totally on personally level how each other should dress up, or how to simulate each other in more exotic ways than carnal way. And now there each other so Andrew/Sarah body and Sarah/Andrew body. So they teach each a thing or three, of how to treat each other.
    And now a few hours later they joined each other. Now Andrew/ Sarah stripped his/her clothes that he/she was wearing for the day. In few moments Andrew/Sarah teach her/him how to sexually, erotically simulate. And he/she will simulate him/her sexually erotically. Andrew/Sarah couldn't believe that he/she could feel so, so amazedly wonderful.
    Andrew thought both would return to their normal selves. But Andrew/Sarah got a bit sick. Then he/she found out the he/she was pregnant. Five months Sarah formally Andrew was getting to be used to be a girl and pregnant. Her husband former wife Sarah now Andrew. Was the same but different, he was more passionate to his wife. Hello my dear, he said. Do want to try for twins, my dear. He said. I think not, I been a girl for a short time, Thou I enjoy it. But lets get though these one first. Now Darly.
