Sunday 8 September 2024

It's just a bit of fun requested by Anonymous 15.09.24


Lord Badious is a perv shapeshifter.

He loves to steal women's lives and pretends to be them. 

His latest victim was a 45-year-old single mother of what

She had no idea she was being taken over.

It started with a slight tingling in the back of her head but before she knew it she was watching out of her own eyes somebody else controlling her body making her do things she would not ordinarily do.

She tried to resist but had no power to stop what was happening.

She heard a voice echoing inside her head that introduced itself as Lord Badious as he started to remove her clothes.

It told her to behave herself or she would be punished.

He said to her you know for a woman of your age you've got quite nice breasts.

 It's not too saggy and still fun to play with.

 Your ass is not too bad either.

I guess you must work out.

It's lovely to see an older woman who still takes time to shave her muff.

I was not expecting to find a landing strip down there.

 What's that you're trying to hide from me.

Your boyfriend's coming over tonight

No wonder you are all tidy.

Oh, wait is that the front doorbell, I hear.

Come in the door is not locked.

Let's see how he reacts to seeing you like this.

Not the life I was expecting requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef Zápotocky needed this more than anything in his life.
He did not care what it took he would become her.
He would take over her life and everybody would believe he was the real her.
He ran up a massive debt at an underground body morphing clinic to being turned into the perfect copy of her he.
He planned on breaking into her home kidnapping her and living her life while she was tied up in the basement.
He planned on using her money to pay for his transformation.
He did not expect the underground body morphing clinic did not want to wait that long for their payment.
He found himself now working off his debt on his back and knees.
Which was not the lifestyle he expected he would be living.

Treating the kid requested by Anonymous Part 2 15.09.24


Part 1

It had been many years since Jason had been inside a woman's body like this.

It was soft it was delightful it was pleasurable.

There were so many complicated and strange things to get used to.

A woman was completely different to a man in every single way.

The world looked bigger wider and more frightening to him through female eyes.

Her body was full of emotions and feelings.

It was a role-coaster of estrogen ups and downs.

It did not take him long to get into the swing of being a mother.

He quickly fell into the role of cooking keeping house and generally raising a child was pretty good.

He quickly discovered he quite enjoyed female clothes and underwear even though they were restrictive and uncomfortable.

His appearance became vitally important to him.

He always stayed in the house with his hair and makeup being perfect.

He had a standing appointment every two weeks at the local beauty parlour.

Where his lady garden, armpits and legs were waxed along with his eyebrows and his little peach fluff moustache.

He quickly discovered he liked the men who looked at him and watched his ass in the supermarket as he did his weekly shopping.

He quickly found himself flirting and dating several men.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Cover up or go to prison.

Paul walked down the street confident and bold.

He did not mind the makeup the long hair the knickers or the skirt they were parts of being a woman he could get used to.

But the only part he could not get used to was having to wear a bra and always covering up his chest.

As a man, he had never covered up his chest.

He had always walked around showing off his muscles and he did not see why he should change now.

Nobody was going to tell him how to dress.

Nobody apart from a judge after he was arrested.

Which left him with a 200-dollar fine and a court order to wear a bra or face imprisonment which he thought was completely unfair.

Do all your clients get this special treatment?

55-year-old James had never considered becoming a woman.

He was happy as a man.

He was successful in business and not unlucky with the ladies.

But the car accident changed all that.

They had no choice but to transfer his brain into another body.

The body of a brain-dead woman.

Unlike a lot of men in his situation, he adapted quickly to his new body gender and identity.

He embraced womanhood with both hands.

He took lessons on makeup fashion and deportment. 

In the space of a year there was nothing left of the old James there was just the new Jessica.

Not even his career suffered thanks to his gender swap.

Becoming a woman was not such a problem for him.

It just meant he had more leverage and more to offer his clients to get them to sign on the dotted line.

It especially helped that he quite enjoyed his female body and sex was a mind-altering experience it was a bit like being on drugs.

He did not care that he was getting a reputation at work for being easy especially when his bonuses were now coming in four figures.

Upcoming request stories:


It's just a bit of fun requested by Anonymous 08.09.24

Treating the Kid requested by Anonymous Part 2 08.09.24

Not the life I was expecting requested by Josef Zápotocky 08.09.24

Moving in and taking over requested by Anonymous 15.09.24

Learning respect requested by Anonymous 15.09.24

 Kateryna Winnick Requested by Josef Zápotocky 15.09.24


I am not her requested by Anonymous 22.09.24

Friday 6 September 2024

Look at me now!

Sergeant Jonathan Burton of the special space marines looked at his body in the regeneration tank.

It was blue and lifeless. 

He said in a voice that was all female: very funny.

The doctor standing beside him just said we did what we could.

But your body was beyond repair.

We had no choice but to transfer your consciousness into the only cloned body available.

It was a body he would not be happy in.

It was a body that did not suit him.

It was weak it was female.

It was something he had never prepared for.

It was the first time in his career he ever felt out of control and vulnerable.

Talking starts to healing process.

It's okay Albert this is a safe space.

We've all gone through the same as you and we're here to give you help and advice.

We all know being a woman is not as easy as they make it look.

We all know everything is more expensive.

We all know everything takes twice as long.

We all know people judge you more if your hair and makeup are not perfect.

We all know you are not seen as not as good as a man.

We all know your work is judged more harshly.

We all know you're frightened and vulnerable all the time especially when you walk home at night in the dark.

We all know men are predatory and only have one thing on their minds.

We all know you can let them have it easily or make them work for it.

We all know you have to be careful not to get a reputation because as a woman you're not supposed to like having sex.

We all know you're expected to be quiet meek and adorable in public but be a demon in the bedroom.

We all know being a woman is a complicated and sometimes downright discussing thing, especially at that special time of the month when you are rewarded by Mother Nature for not getting pregnant with seven days of cramps and unhappiness.

We all know despite all that, we would not go back to being a man if we could.

Thursday 5 September 2024

You did want!

After a fascinating 24 hours, in his girlfriend Amanda's body, Jason was checking on his phone to see why the swap app wasn't working when his girlfriend Amanda in his body slapped him on the ass causing him to smile and say as she passed by fancy doing it again?

Jason smiled at her put down the phone and said this time I want three orgasms before you pop.

Jason was unaware as he lay there with his legs wide open screaming and moaning with orgasmic pleasure Amanda had changed the booking on the app from a 24-hour pass to a lifetime pass.

She was hoping by the time Jason found out what she had done he was so addicted to sex as a woman he would not care.

It's all over my lips.

Jason felt sand in the crotch of his bikini bottoms as he walked off the beach.

He thought he had wiped it all off before getting dressed after that quick bit of fun with the lifeguard earlier.

Not thinking what he was doing he pulled his bikini bottoms open and started fiddling down there in a very unfeminine manner.

Bloody sand gets everywhere and it doesn't help 

I'm still dripping down there.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

That was fun.


It still felt like I was doing something wrong.

Even though I had been in this body for six months I still did not feel like it was mine.

I was a young man now a young woman with needs and sexual urges.

Masturbation and toys could only take me so far.

My young female body was crying out for the real thing.

I was moody I was horny and my best friend told me I needed to get laid.

I needed to throw off whatever was left of my masculinity and accept the fact I was a woman who I needed to be Fuck!

I wanted my first time to be with somebody I knew.

Somebody I trusted.

Somebody I was not going to feel wrong about doing this with.

I asked my best friend Colin if he would take my female virginity.

He refused thinking it would ruin our friendship.

He tried to convince me not to pick him.

But I told him I wanted my first time to be with somebody I trusted.

Somebody I respected.

Somebody I knew that would not use me just for my body.

After a lot of pleading and begging on my part, he agreed.

We did not go out on a date before.

This was not a boyfriend-girlfriend romantic situation.

This was just one friend helping another friend out.

He came over to mine and I took him straight upstairs to the bedroom.

I could tell he was as nervous as I was.

I sat down at the end of the bed.

I smiled up at him trying to be as confident as possible.

I squatted in front of him and unzipped his trousers and his belt.

I could tell he was enjoying the view of my tits as his dick was already getting hard.

I pulled it out.

It was warm hard and throbbing in my slender Little Fingers.

It felt strange holding another man's dick.

I made sure to make eye contact with him as I started to suck on the tip of it.

It was hot it was salty and it was delicious.

I could feel myself getting wet as I sucked him off.

It was in no way as gross as I fought it would be.

When he was stiff, he told me to turn around and lay across the bed.

He pulled my tight jeans and knickers down effortlessly.

He slapped my buttocks a few times which made me squeal with delight.

He asked me before sliding it in if  I was ready for this.

I muttered yes and tried to relax as much as I could as he slid his big throbbing cock inside of me.

It was painful it was uncomfortable and it was bizarre and extraordinary at first.

I now had a man's dick inside of me.

I could feel my pussy muscles grabbing it as he slid it in and out of me.

I heard myself squealing with delight as his balls hit my buttocks with every big deep trust into me.

When I thought he was about to come he roughly turned me over so I was facing him.

He pulled my jeans and knickers right off leaving me exposed.

He smiled and said to me am I having fun?

I smiled back and said what's next?

He spread my legs wide and penetrated me.

I lay there looking up at him squealing and moaning as I rocked back and forward with every thrust of his cock.

I had never experienced such orgasmic pleasure in my life.

Every part of my body was tingling with sexual delight.

I never wanted this pleasure to end.

But it had to end and I felt him jerking.

He quickly slid out of me and offered me his cup to suck.

He came all over my pretty little face.

I licked my lips enjoying the sweet salty tang of it.

I have not experienced before a woman's pleasure.

Coming as a man was nothing like coming as a woman.

As a man, you shot your load and that was practically it.

As a woman, it's like having a title wave of orgasmic pleasure wash over your body again and again.

I was now over the loss of my cock.

Sex as a woman was incredible.

I have to give in or just go mad.

Donald needed this.

He had put off doing it for so long.

But now his body was screaming out for it

He was in mental torture until he did it.

This was the only thing that made his female body happy.

The only thing that satisfied it.

The only thing that did not make him depressed.

 He could not get it on a prescription.

 Luckily for him, he had plenty friends who were willing to take their turn and give it to him for free.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

We just couldn't wait for you.

Samuel and Mark were old hands at body hopping and adapted pretty quickly to their new bodies and genders.

But Scott on the other hand was not and found it extremely confusing.

Whilst he was upstairs coming to terms with being in somebody else's body they were downstairs in the kitchen getting to know each of those new bodies intimately.

When Scott was finally ready to come downstairs and join his friends he was surprised to find them in the kitchen playing with each other.

Scott said in his new high-pitched female voice you too could have waited for me.

It's worse than when I was a teenage boy.

James swapped bodies with his daughter Amanda quite by accident.

It happened when their home was hit by lightning and they both got an electrical shock.

Until they could find out how to safely swap back they took on each others' lives and identities.

Amanda became an office worker and a middle-aged man.

She did not like being her father.

She did not like being a man.

But she liked & enjoyed being the parent and ordering her father around her body.

James hated being his teenage daughter.

He hated dressing girly and going back to college.

He hated her boyfriends and all her female friends.

He hated hanging out at the mall with them.

He hated having to be girly and bubbly all the time.

He hated all the dick pics her boyfriend would send him at night.

He hated the way he got wet looking at them.

He hated the way he fantasised about being taken roughly by a man as he showered.

He hated how much he masturbated in her body.

He found if he did not do it at least twice a day he got extremely moody and depressed.

Thank god he has found her toy box while his fingers would be red and raw by now

Monday 2 September 2024

It's coming.

Robert was preparing for child birth something the 17-year-old boy never thought he would have to prepare for.

But here he was sitting at home with the young woman Amanda whose body he was now in feeling uncomfortable all over watching another birthing video which was more horrifying and bloody than most horror films he had seen as Amanda read a book on the father's role in birth when he started to get really painful cramps.

He hoped they were just phantom labour pains as he had three weeks to go before his due date and was not quite ready to go into labour quite yet.

He quickly realised as he felt water dribbling down his legs it was time to go to the hospital.

He told Amanda " It's time.

Go get the car keys and his go bag your baby is on its way.

Sunday 1 September 2024

RJ's birthday wish requested by RJ: 01.09.24


Over the past seven months, RJ has gone through quite a lot of mental and physical changes.

He had to get used to being a woman.

He had to get used to his two heavy bouncing breasts.

He had to get used to having a vagina.

He had to get used to wearing bras and knickers.

He had to get used to sitting down to pee and menstruating.

He had to get used to his new hormones and emotions.

Over the past 7 months, he did his best to be his old self.

He did his best not to turn into the woman he now was.

But with every passing day, it was getting harder and harder.

This female body had needs that he was no longer satisfying.

He was even now having erotic dreams of men taking him roughly and powerfully.

He was now finding himself getting extremely wet and distracted around men.

He decided he was going to lose his new female virginity on his birthday.

Which was only a short few weeks away.

He told his sister what his plans were.

She was excited for him and told him she would help him prepare for it.

She told him losing your virginity as a woman is a massive step.

It is a massive emotional and physical experience.

You don't want to be with just anybody.

You wanted to be with somebody you love trust and find sexually attractive.

He knew his little lady between his legs found several of his male friends attractive.

She had made it pretty clear when she had been around them.

His sister threw him a massive birthday party as it wasn't every day you turned 22 again.

His sister and her best friend took it upon themselves to teach him how to walk in high heels, sit in a short dress, and do his hair makeup and feminine grooming.

Waxing his legs was not so bad but waxing his pussy brought tears to his eyes.

On the day of his birthday, his sister came over and helped him get ready.

He had butterflies in his stomach and found it hard to step over the threshold dressed like a woman.

It still feels so wrong and alien to him to be in a dress and high heels.

He just wanted to put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and watch TV but they would not let him.

He travelled in a taxi to his sister's apartment where his party was being held.

All his friends and family were there to celebrate with him.

He eyed up the couple of friends he had in mind trying to pick which one he was going to offer himself to first.

After a bit of dancing and gift opening where he got quite a few toys to add to his very big and rapidly growing collection, he decided he was going to ask Karl if he wanted to open his box.

Karl was surprised and taken aback by this.

Karl had no idea he had feelings for him.

Karl said I would do it only if you are sure you are ready for it.

RJ just looked at him and said I am.

As the rest of the guests were leaving RJ took him they took the party back to his apartment.

They both felt extremely nervous as they sat in the back of the taxi.

They travelled up to RJ's apartment in silence.

They both stood in the living room of the apartment looking at each other wondering how to get started.

RJ looked at him and said nervously I've never done it before as a woman.

I've only penetrated myself with my fingers and sex toys.

I'm not quite sure what it's expected of me what to expect from you.

Karl just looked at him and said I will be gentle.

We'll take it slow at first and if you need to stop for any reason just say so.

Karl removed RJ's dress.

RJ felt slightly exposed in just his underwear.

Karl removed his bra and cooked his small but perfect breasts in his large masculine hands.

RJ could not help feelings more and weak in comparison.

He couldn't help feeling electricity running through his body as Karl squeezed and twisted his nipples.

Karl pulled off RJ's panties and pushed him onto the couch.

Karl pulled off his clothes before joining RJ on the couch and saying let's make your pussy wet.

RJ had not let anybody see his vagina let alone get up close and personal with it before now.

He could not believe how wonderful it felt to have a man's big large tongue licking him out.

He squealed and moaned with pleasure as Karl's tongue excited his clitoris.

Now good wet and hot RJ looked up at Karl and said put it in me.

Karl did not need to ask him twice.

He happily and gently penetrated RJ for the first time.

Even though RJ had experienced penetration before now this was the first time by a person.

A real dick felt a lot different inside of him than his vibrating toys.

He could feel his pussy grasping at the hot cock that was now sliding in and out of him making him moan with sexual delight.

Karl could see that RJ was enjoying it.

This encourages him to go faster and deeper.

This encouraged him to make RJ know he was being fucked.

15 minutes into being fucked RJ said let's try another position as he slid out of him.

RJ looked at him and said what do you want me to do?

Karl said let me take you doggy style.

RJ happily obliged.

He wanted to experience as much as he could his first time and he was happy to do anything to facilitate that.

He could not help noticing his tits were jiggling up and down as he went in and out.

It was a lot more of an effort and a pelvic workout this way around but it was no less as pleasurable.

Karl was only too happy to take a break and lie back and let RJ do all the work.

He slid out of him and lay down in RJ's wet spot.

RJ took hold of his cock in one hand.

He watched RJ struggling to find where to put it.

But after a little bit of struggling RJ found where it went and he easily slid onto it letting out a gasp of surprise and pleasure as he slid down it.

10 minutes later Karl said to a moaning screaming RJ I think I'm going to come.

RJ quickly slid off him and told Karl to come all over his face.

RJ took hold of Karl's hot throbbing cock and jerked him off until he came all over his face.

RJ looked up at Karl with sticky semen all over his face and said that was incredible.

Boy if I knew it was going to be that good I would have done it ages ago.

I don't know why I put off doing it for so long.

You rest up big boy and we'll go for round two when you're ready.