Saturday 15 October 2022

Wet dream. (GS)

Dennis was barely 16 years old and who is starting to hit puberty, it's not really odd or strange there were allot of people who were late bloomer or started to develop or interested in girls. Dennis strangely noticed girls not sexually ways, but Dennis seems to be jealous of them. Of how they look, what they're wearing. It was like it, he felt cheated a bit. But that was impossible, he never felt like that, or even consider it. The question is why, did feel like that.

So, after the day was over late at night. He fell asleep tomorrow, he was going to be 16 years old, in a few days, old enough to get his driver's license. As he slept, he felt that he was moving out of his body. And he entered the house next door. Into a girl's room who was a few years older than him. Strangely he knew her too, Mandy was her name, but not at the time she just turned 19 years old almost the same time that Dennis turned 16 years old. As he was looking her in astral form. He could see her astral form leaving her body. As she stood up and for a moment, she looked at me. Like she said something, but there were no words. And then she walked through the walls went away. I wanted to say something, but I didn't. For a moment or two I looked at the body of Mandy. I touched her body. And strangely i slowly entered her body. In that moment, I was in a dazed of sorts. Then I woke up. I was in Mandy's room, before I realized it. Her mother came in and wished me a happy birthday. In a strange sense it. Was true it was my birthday but was her's too also. Why am I, in Mandy's body, is she in my body. It feels like she is. Why do I feel like this is normal for me. Like its natural for me, to be a girl. The more I think about it. I feel like i was one for about 19 years but, that wasn't true. But where I removed her/my nightgown. I looked at her/myself naked. It, it felt like I belong. Then I started to dress. But what to wear. Then they was this dress, strangely I knew it. It was special, that I bought it, for my birthday. I dressed myself like I did a hundred times before, but this was mine first time in a dress and heels. Then when I was satisfied of my looks. And then I went to the kitchen to meet my parents. That thought should have bother me but it's not. I am Mandy aren't I.

(side note if Tommy is Mandy and Mandy is Tommy probably, does Mandy as Tommy feels the side too. Why aren't they bother of being each other now. What was the cause or reason of it.)

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