Friday 14 October 2022

Good to have you home: Part 3

After a taxi ride that seemed to take forever he was outside the college.

Luckily there was a few dollars in the purse he was holding and he paid his fair and slid out.

He made his way over to the Auditorium where there was an ambulance and people standing around.

He saw his daughter standing with her friends crying her eyes out.

Forgetting for a moment he was now a teenage girl in a pink bikini he ran up to her and gave her a hug.

She looked up the strange girl hugging her and said do I know you.

She was even more surprised when the girl hugging her said it's me baby girl it's Daddy.

I don't know what happened!

Somehow I am in this body.

Seeing everybody looking at the crazy girl his daughter gave her her down to wear.

His daughter did not know what was going on one minute her dad was saying he was a girl and the next there was a girl saying that she was her dad.

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