Saturday 13 February 2021

XY - XX 17 By Rhodry

Richard was part of super secret government program. It was to enhance the persons physical and mental ability to there limits.

But the serum was to new , to experimental. To be sure, that it work to create a super-soldier program. The first series of the serum did enhance a person. But not to limit of a person.
They wanted to improve the human body, and mind.
Richard was the first, of the new serum. To enhance him. But there was a few unknown factors. Would it work as it should, could it work with anyone.
Well it worked, it did enhance him, physical, mentally too. But alter him genetically, it changed his DNA.
It altered his Y-chromosomes in a X-chromosomes. Thou the posses was slow ,it took days or weeks, it was like threw puberty.
But that wasn't the only thing, he err she could do things, that unknown to a average person. It was like she run faster than average, she was stronger than average, but super-strong.
What unusual for her, her powers she could move from one place to another, move with a touch. And shoot energy bolts and other things.
What cause it, or why it happen. Would it change, other person , to give them powers. Would it change them, into girls. Would they be willing take and they be changed into girls.
Or is it, something her DNA, is part of the reason. Or the cause of it.

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