Sunday 14 February 2021

Maria Sharapova: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef was a tennis savant.

He was hoping to go professional one day.

But that all changed when he was knocked off his bike and broke his back in 7 places.

Unable to afford the expensive nano surgery that would restore his spinal column he was reduced to a wheelchair.

He learnt how to play again in a wheelchair and quickly became a coach.

6 years after he had practically got his life back on track and was better than he ever was before.

He had just finished a training session when he met one of his idols Maria Sharapova.

She had come a long way to see him.

She told him because of a hamstring injury she was not going to be able to compete next month.

She told him that she needed his help.

Josef asked what he could do for her?

She looked at him and said I want you to take my place on the court.

Nobody else can play like me but you.

Nobody but you me and the doctor will know about this and after the tournament is over.

I will pay to have you modified back into yourself with a fully working spine.

Joseph did not need to think about it.

he accepted her offer straight away.

It took him almost 3 weeks to get used to playing in her body.

As everything move differently.

Her muscles were stronger and weaker in different ways to his.

Then there was her breasts which got in the way of his swing and kept on trying to topple him over.

But despite all that on the day of the tournament he was ready.

He won her tournament with ease.

Afterwards he asked her if he could stay like this as her twin?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. when will be please next of my requests please thank you

  3. Josef was a tennis savant.
    He was good, really good.
    He hoped that one day his name will be known. That he would remembered. many years after his career.
    But fate, bad luck. Even karma, he seriously hurt himself. At he would be incapacitated.
    But that didn't stop him, playing tennis.
    he played tennis in handicap league.
    There was a away that he could play as a professional league.
    A special unique nano surgery. But that was for the Elite, the special group that have special skill or talents. That he isn't part of.
    But fate smiled on him. A famous tennis star. Needed help, a famous tennis idol Maria Sharapova.
    Became he could mimic, her exactly her style.
    She would paid for the special nano surgery. But he would be modify to look like her. Plus he will walk again.
    After the tennis tournament. You be returned back to yourself.
    After the change, the training, of a long time, for not walking. It was somewhat hard but he got into the swing of it.
    But the added problem was that being a woman, playing as a woman.
    At first being her, being a woman. That sense of being one. Was amazing. In a sense it was her , but not her.
    After a sense, he didn't want this feeling after that the fact. He want to be a she, female to make his err her name as the next Maria Sharapova !
