Monday 3 May 2021

Tom's nightmare: requested by Anonymous.

Tina is a hardworking mom.

She was very depressed after the divorce from Tom there son's father.

After a lot of pressure from her friends to get back out there and start dating again she download a mature dating app.

She met up with one guy called Christian.

It was just  for drinks and a chat.

She did not expect to end up in bed with him.

She did not expect to lose control of her body and mind to him.

That was 3 days ago now and she could do little but watched through her own eyes as he started ruining her life.

Her son Tom could not help noticing the changes that had come over his mother.

He no longer believed it was just some middle-age crisis she was going through.

He no longer believed she was just trying to make herself feel better.

But it was when she started walking naked around the house and teasing him with her body he really started getting concerned.

Tom had no idea the person his mother went to meet was a body hopper who had taken a liking to his mother's body and was now living inside her body.

Don't you think your mother's beautiful?

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