Monday 19 February 2018

Different sort of education:: Request Caption

16 year old Richard had always been fascinated by Japan's culture and its manga comics which was the main reason behind him signing up for an exchange program.

Where your consciousness was put into the body of a Japanese person whos consciousness would be put into your body so you could experience life in a different country.

Richard was really hoping he would get a male body to spend the next year in.

But the only person at the moment wanting to spend a year in America was a 16 year old Japanese girl named Marina Nagasawa.

Not wanting to wait another year he accepted the swap and found himself three days later after having his mental consciousness transferred into the body of a Japanese schoolgirl getting dressed for his first day as her which he found very confusing to do.

He found his first day at a Japanese all girls school very confusing and strange.

To him the school curriculum basically seem to be only teaching him how to be a girl & the many different ways he could please a man.

Which seemed like complete nonsense to him.

But by the end of the day it hed become the most important thing to him.

So when the teacher gave out blowjob homework assignments he was determined to do his best for her despite the nagging voice in his head that kept on reminding him that this was not normal.

So with the rest of his classmates they headed straight over to the boys academy where they all picked out a boy to practice their homework on.

But for Richard things got a little bit out of hand and he did a little bit more homework than he was supposed to as he let the boy have his wicked way with him more than once whilst the rest of his classmates watched.

Requested by Anonymous

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