Wednesday 16 August 2017

Tracking him down.

Temporal agent Darren Morgan feeling stiff and unwieldy thanks to the bone corset the body he had borrowed was wearing stood on London Bridge listening to the Chimes of Big Ben ring out 11 o'clock.

He stood there waiting for the notorious Jack the Ripper who was in reality Sydney the Bay Harbour Butcher an escaped convict from the Year 4044 who had escaped prison only mentally by sending his consciousness back in time leaving his body lifeless in his cell.

He did not have to wait long for him to appear as the mental energy given off by his arrival would have alerted him to his whereabouts.

Darren looked at Jack the Ripper standing in the fog and said Sydney we can do this the easy way or the hard way trying to sound as hard as possible with a squeaky female voice.

Sydney just looked at him and said you're not taking me alive copper and lunged at him knife raised.

Daniel stood his ground pointed his parasol at him which with a warbling sound released Sydney's mind from the mind of the man he had possessed before burning it in a flash of energy destroying it forever.

He picked up the knife and threw it into the cold Thames before releasing his mind from the mind of the woman before returning back to his own time and body leaving a confused man and woman standing on London Bridge with no idea what they were doing there.

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