Saturday 27 May 2017

I'll get you for this.

Thomas was getting frustrated with Stephanie his swap class partner.

It was like she always knew that he was up to no good.

She always seemed to be following him around.

The only time he could get any peace at school was when he nipped into the ladies where her friends kept an eye on him.

Even back home in the peace and safety of his own bedroom she seemed to know when he was doing something nasty to her body.

Every time he tried to get a bit of alone time with it and explore its more sensitive areas she would just happen to phone that moment spoiling his mood and putting a stop to what he was doing.

But this time he was not going to let her spoil his fun.

With one hand firmly planted between his legs playing with the Beautiful Folds of her pussy he answered the phone with the other and once he heard her voice he let out a strangled moan of pleasure just to let her know what he was doing.

She yelled at him down the phone to stop what he was doing which justed seem to turn him on more to her annoyance.

She screamed I will get you tomorrow for this and hung up on him leaving him to his pleasure.

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